Networks of Centres of Excellence of Canada
Government of Canada

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Networks of Centres of Excellence 2016-2017

Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) Grants - 2016-2017
Network Funding Period Total 2016-2017 NCE Award Amounts of NCE grants channeled through the granting agencies
AGE-WELL 2015-2020 $8,085,560 $5,580,000 $564,000 $1,941,560
AllerGen 2004-2019 $5,216,500 $0 $0 $5,216,500
ArcticNet 2003-2018 $9,665,000 $4,737,000 $1,450,000 $3,478,000
BioCanRx 2015-2020 $7,840,000 $5,410,000 $548,000 $1,882,000
BioFuelNet 2012-2017 $3,500,000 $1,571,000 $1,929,000 $0
CANet 2015-2020 $6,590,000 $4,490,000 $460,000 $1,640,000
CellCAN 2014-2018 $396,155 $0 $96,155 $300,000
CFN 2012-2022 $3,660,769 $0 $60,769 $3,600,000
CWN 2001-2017 $274,750 $208,000 $52,750 $14,000
CYCC 2012-2019 $400,000 $0 $300,000 $100,000
GlycoNet 2015-2020 $6,412,000 $4,424,000 $0 $1,988,000
HYPE 2017-2021 $400,000 $266,000 $18,000 $116,000
I-CEIsMIC 2017-2021 $400,000 $266,000 $6,000 $128,000
MEOPAR 2012-2022 $3,500,035 $1,197,000 $2,303,035 $0
KBHN 2009-2020 $4,039,231 $2,553,000 $646,231 $840,000
PREVNet 2011-2019 $400,000 $400,000 $0 $0
SCI Net 2017-2021 $400,165 $268,165 $36,060 $95,940
SERENE-RISC 2014-2018 $400,000 $100,000 $300,000 $0
TREKK 2011-2019 $400,000 $0 $0 $400,000