This third competition is seeking to fund centres with an emphasis on commercialization, including both goods and services. In addition, this competition is seeking to fund the top proposals in as many of the four S&T priority areas as possible. Only proposals that meet the threshold of excellence shall be funded.
In the context of the CECR Program, commercialization is defined as everything a firm does that transforms knowledge and technology into new goods, processes or services to satisfy market demands.
In the CECR 2010 Full Application Form, Section E: Summary Data Sheet.
Yes, although, CECR funds cannot be used to support activities outside of Canada, international collaborations and partnerships are recognized and strongly encouraged. Among other things, applicants are expected to describe in their submission how they will attract investment (including foreign direct investment and venture capital), develop relationships with major international centres and research programs and brand Canada as the host of internationally recognized centres of excellence in commercialization of research results.
Eligible applicants are new or existing not-for-profit corporations created by universities, colleges, not-for-profit research organizations, firms, and other non-government parties.
Centres do not need to be incorporated at the time of application. The NCE Secretariat will accept applications from organizations on behalf of the Centre to be incorporated. However, the application needs to clearly describe the governance structure of the proposed Centre, and how that structure meets the incorporation requirement. All Centres that are successful in the competition must provide proof of incorporation (federal or provincial), as well as proof of an established Board of Directors responsible for the approval of its annual financial reports and audits, before receiving CECR funds.
Only if the proposed host organization is an eligible not-for-profit corporation or if it is submitting an application on behalf of the Centre to be incorporated.
Where appropriate, a host organization, serves as the administrative secretariat for the Centre. A host ensures that the Centre has suitable accommodation, as well as access to appropriate computer, communications and financial administration systems.
There are no guidelines on the number of partners participating. There is however an expectation that they will be the BEST possible participants (the proposal should demonstrate that). There is no expectation, or requirement, for geographic representation.
Contributions made to the Centre by an applicant’s own consulting company or sole proprietorship do not qualify as eligible matching funds to the CECR grant. Situations where the applicant is part owner are considered on a case-by-case basis. The applicant must contact the NCE Secretariat to obtain a ruling on specific cases where clarification is required.
CECR funds can be spent on any eligible operations and maintenance costs at the Centre. CECR Funds may be used to cover up to 50% of total eligible commercialization costs and up to 75% of other total eligible costs, with the remainder from non-federal sources. Details on eligible and non-eligible expenditures are provided in Appendix D of the 2010 CECR Program Guide.
Although research centres may also receive CECR funds, any research activities associated with the Centre must be afforded by sources of funding other than the CECR grant.
Some essential pieces of equipment can be acquired but it is expected that a larger percentage of the funds be spent on operations and maintenance activities and not on infrastructure such as equipment. Up to 20% of the total eligible expenses for commercialization costs to a maximum of $1M may be spent on equipment that is essential for commercialization, as long as it is not eligible for other federal programs such as CFI.
The current term for a CECR is 5 years..
No. Finalists will not be provided with financial assistance to produce a full proposal.
No, the Centre’s Board of Directors must have financial responsibility over the CECR Funds. For this reason, the Centre must be prepared to receive the CECR funds before March 31, 2011. Successful centres will be required to show evidence of having appropriate financial administrative processes in place to manage funds from the granting agencies.
All letters must come from a senior executive and make specific commitments, in terms of cash or in-kind support. The letters must make explicit reference to the proposed Centre, indicating how the Centre would help their organization and indicating current and past associations with the applicant.
Only letters providing support in the form of in-kind or cash contributions should be included (all other letters will be removed from the full application package).
The Full Application must describe how IP issues are expected to be handled within the proposed Centre.
The name of the centre can be changed at the Full Application stage. If funded, the official name of the centre will have to be confirmed in the Funding Agreement.
The conflict of interest guidelines as adapted from NSERC, and CIHR state that:
Expert Panel Members should not:
Committee members are in conflict if they:
The NCE Steering Committee makes the final decision, based on the recommendations of a Private Sector Advisory Board (PSAB).